Song du jour: “Beautiful Loser”

Song du jour: Bob Seger’s “Beautiful Loser”

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Stuff My Students Do: Steel Wynd

I’m going to occasionally post (maybe a couple of times a week) links and videos to work my former students are doing. It’ll tend to be creative, funny, or odd, mostly, because my students were English majors. First installment: a demo video for Jaime Rhodes’s Bowling Green, OH based band Steel Wynd. Since graduating fromContinue reading “Stuff My Students Do: Steel Wynd”

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Song du jour: 2Cellos, “Thunderstruck”

Yes, you can play rock and roll on a cello. 2Cellos playing AC/DC’s “Thunderstruck.” There’s a bit of cinematic cheating on the strict eighteenth-century setting as they add looper about  halfway through and some distortion a bit after that — and no, they’re not plugged in — but who cares? Musically, it rocks. A Facebook friend of mine watchedContinue reading “Song du jour: 2Cellos, “Thunderstruck””

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Thoughts on the first half of Piketty’s Capital

Originally posted on Bryan Alexander:
I’m halfway through Thomas Piketty’s Capital in the 21st Century.  It was some major implications for the future, including the future of education. In this post I’d like to share some impressions of the book upon reaching its halfway point.  I don’t want to summarize it (Doug Henwood does the best job…

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